
NEWS     05 | 06 | 2019
MULTI-ACT featured in Italian media

MULTI-ACT featured a number of times in Italian media over the last week following the 3rd Consortium Meeting and FISM's Annual Scientific Congress that immediately followed. The project was …

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NEWS     27 | 05 | 2019
EU project MULTI-ACT presents first results and launches policy brief

Rome, Italy – 27 May 2019 Over the next two days (27-28 May 2019), the MULTI-ACT Project will hold its 3rd Consortium Meeting in Rome, Italy. Since its launch in May 2018, the ambitious project …

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NEWS     06 | 03 | 2019
MULTI-ACT CSEAR Seminar on Post-Normal Science Held Today

Today, the University of Trento and the University of Burgos, in partnership with MULTI-ACT and CSEAR, hold a full day seminar (and webinar) on post-normal science. The aim of this joint …

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NEWS     07 | 12 | 2018
MULTI-ACT Videos Launched

During the last Consortium Meeting, MULTI-ACT partners took the time to film some short introductory videos on the project, putting faces to all involved in the project work packages. We invite …

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NEWS     13 | 11 | 2018
2nd MULTI-ACT Consortium Meeting held in Brussels

The second gathering of the full MULTI-ACT Consortium took place in Brussels, Belgium on 12-13 November 2018. The meeting, taking place 6 months after the kick-off of the project, provided to give …

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NEWS     26 | 10 | 2018
MULTI-ACT Patient Engagement Group (PEG) Kick-off meeting

The first MULTI-ACT Patient Engagement Group (PEG) meeting took place in light of the 2018 MSIF (Multiple Sclerosis International Federation) World Conference in Rome.This working group brought …

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