NEWS     12 | 07 | 2019

European Commission launches Horizon Europe public consultation

Further to the agreement on Horizon Europe that the EU institutions reached in trilogue on 20th March 2019, the European Commission has started preparing the implementation of the programme through a process of “strategic planning”.  To this end, the European Commission has launched a public consultation in order to collect input as regards to the objectives, priorities and expected impact of the Horizon Europe programme. This feedback will inform the work to prepare the Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.

The anticipated plan will guide the work programmes and calls for proposals for Horizon Europe’s first four years (2021-2024) and will, amongst other issues, define and clarify further the R&D missions, partnerships and strategic orientations for the support to research and innovation. It is expected that the plan will be adopted through an Implementing Act by November 2019.

The consultation can be accessed here and the deadline for providing input is 8th September 2019. The MULTI-ACT Consortium encourages all to take part in the consultation to ensure ample representation of the health research – particularly brain research – community. For further information or guidance on how to respond the the consultation, please contact MULTI-ACT partners, EBC, through
