NEWS     21 | 11 | 2019

OECD ‘Health at a glance’ report 2019 released

MULTI-ACT project in line with OECD analysis calling on healthcare systems to place more attention on patient reported outcomes and experiences.

The just-released OECD Health at a Glance report 2019 includes a dedicated chapter on “measuring what matters for people-centred health systems” calling on healthcare systems to place more attention on patient reported outcomes and experiences.

The article underlines the essential dimension of the patient perspective on the outcomes and experience of their care in driving continuous quality improvement of health services. Outcomes valued by patients should be a key indicator of success of significant interest to patients but also providers as well as policymakers.

The chapter concludes that in the end, no single data source can provide information for a complete assessment of how a highly complex, adaptive health system performs. Patient-reported data need to be interpreted in the context of other metrics on health system activity and performance. They are not meant to supplant but to complement existing data that are collected in an effort to avoid tunnel vision and generate a more complete picture of performance for all involved: patients, providers, regulators and policy makers.

The MULTI-ACT project which places strong emphasis on integrating patients’ experiential knowledge in health research fits well with the OECD analysis and recommendations. 

MULTI-ACT has defined specific governance criteria in relation to patient engagement (e.g. mechanisms in place to recognize the value of patients’ experiential knowledge) as well as indicators (e.g. appropriate mechanism for recognition of patients contribution).

The preliminary guidelines define a 13-step process to design the patient engagement plan and includes specific recommendations for effective patient engagement (at operational, empowerment and ethical levels).

Final guidelines will be produced towards the end of 2019 after a public consultation which will gather perspectives from patients and stakeholders on a global scale with the aim to consolidate the guidelines with more insights and comprehensive recommendations.

A more in-depth analysis can be read here.
