NEWS     02 | 12 | 2020

MULTI-ACT to be featured at 3rd Annual Citizen Engagement & Deliberative Democracy Festival

MULTI-ACT is very pleased to be featured at the 3rd Annual Citizen Engagement & Deliberative Democracy Festival, taking place online from 6 to 12 December 2020. Open to all, the Festival is the chance for people of diverse backgrounds to gather and tackle some of the pressing issues of our time and reflect together on how democracy is changing and how citizens can participate in this change.

In a time of challenges that call for mission-oriented research such as those in the health care, the future of sustainability requires new multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary models of cooperation that guarantee a long-term return on investment, not only economic. MULTI-ACT aims to increase the impact of health research of multi-stakeholders research initiatives by creating and implementing a new management model allowing the effective cooperation of all the relevant stakeholders.

MULTI-ACT believes that it is crucial for patients to be part of the research process and evaluation to influence the priorities of the studies, but also understand the limitations of research. Connecting patients and researchers in new, more powerful ways will allow to accelerate life-changing treatments. Have a look at the video featured at the 3rd Annual Citizen Engagement & Deliberative Democracy Festival summarizing how MULTI-ACT fosters the true engagement of actors and stakeholders in Health Research and Innovation.
